How to get restaurant pricing, hours, and reviews with Siri

Hey, Siri! What's that restaurant like?

Siri can provide a lot of information about restaurants both around you and in other locations. If you're going somewhere you've never been before, you may want to know what to expect price wise. Luckily Siri can do even better than that. Along with pricing, you can also get general contact information, directions, hours, and more. As always, all you've got to do is ask!

How to get pricing, hours, contact info, and more about a restaurant with Siri

  1. Press and hold the Home button or say "Hey, Siri" on your iPhone or iPad to activate Siri.
  2. Say something like "Show me restaurant information on Panera."
  3. Siri will show you information on the restaurant you've requested. Tapping on some of the information will launch the Yelp app if you have it installed.

I've found that you should always say the word restaurant when asking for information. If you don't, Siri sometimes pulls a web search instead of using information from Yelp.

Allyson Kazmucha

iMore senior editor from 2011 to 2015.